GenesisCare Prominet for Android is temporarily provided as a direct download. This requires a few additional steps of installation.

Overview of steps

  1. Give “Chrome” permission to install external apps
  2. Use Chrome to go to help page
  3. Download and install APK

Steps in detail

Chrome “app installs” permission

  1. Go to Android “Settings” – usually a “Cog” icon
  2. Android 8.x or higher:
    Find list of apps allowed to install external apps
    Search for “install unknown apps”
    Other Android:
    Go to “Security” section
    Go to “More settings” section
    Choose “Install apps from external sources”
  3. This shows a list of your current apps
  4. Choose “Chrome” (your web browser)
  5. Switch “Allow app installs” to be ON
  6. Android 7.x or lower:
    Tap “Lock screen and security” or “Security”
    Tap “Unknown sources” switch from off to on
  7. Done!
  8. You can return to home screen and run Chrome

Use Chrome to go to help page

  1. Launch “Chrome” web browser
  2. Go to

Download APK from help page

  1. On that page, choose “Click here for Android version” to download then install the GenesisCare Prominet APK
  2. Allow permission for the apk to install.
  3. Once installed, find the GenesisCare Prominet in your home screen or app drawer. Launch it to begin using Prominet.